Trailer Trek Tow-bars (mobile fitters)
Towball Options are as follows
Alko Style Towball

For use with Alko hitches.
These are slightly longer than standard towballs.
These towballs are specifically designed for use with AL-KO stabilisers. Thery are machined to allow free articulation of the coupling head. This ball should always be used if an AL-KO stabiliser coupling is fitted to the trailer.
Never grease your towball as this can seriously interfere with your stabiliser.
• Please note that to ensure proper function of the AL-KO stabiliser, all the paint on the 50mm ball should be removed using emery cloth or a similar substance.
Heavy Duty Type Towball

E.C. 94/20 type approved 50mm towball specification (D Value 17.2kN & S Value 210Kg).
These towballs are not suitable for use with alko chassis or tow hitches.
Extra Heavy Duty 3.5 Tonne Towball

This versatile coupling combines an ISO3853 standard 50mm towball with a BSAU24 25mm diameter pin and jaw coupling, allowing the towing vehicle to tow trailers with either a 50mm coupling head or an eye type coupling. 94/20EC Type Approved.
Designed to meet the needs of mixed trailer fleets the robust single piece high tensile steel forging has the standard two bolt face mounting and has a 3.5 tonne capacity.
Larger towball upto 5 tonne can be sourced please call for details of more specialised towballs.